SAVE 15% OFF Every Thursday On Vi Peel, BioRePeel, Hydrafacial, and Morpheus8 Services. Book Your Appointment Today!

Breathe New Life into Your Skin: Body Revival with Morpheus8

Morpheus8 can help with the following:

  • Morpheus8 Pricing:
  • Half legs: $1500
  • Half arms: $1500
  • Knees: $800
  • Flanks: $1200
  • Full legs: $2000
  • Full arms: $2000
  • Stomach: $1600
  • Buttock: $1500

BWA offers financing through CareCredit:

Discover what BWA can do for you

Dr. Zarrini and his team look forward to helping you with the latest in leading-edge beauty and wellness treatments.

Set up a free consultation below.

Before and After

What is Morpheus8 Body?

Morpheus8 uses your body’s innate healing abilities to resolve any skin issues you may struggle with. How does it do this? By combining microneedling with powerful RF energy.

Microneedling is performed using very fine needles that create tiny wounds on the treatment area. When you get injured, no matter how small the wound may be, your body rushes growth factors and nutrients to the area to initiate the healing response.

Taking advantage of this process creates healthier skin that’s smoother and firmer to the touch.

Microneedling is effective on its own, but when combined with RF energy, you can see heightened results. That’s because RF energy helps reach the deepest layers of your skin, heating them to the exact temperature needed to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin — two vital proteins that keep your skin taut, flexible, and healthy.

When you apply Morpheus8 for body treatments, you can get help for issues like:

  • Skin laxity
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Dull or rough skin
  • Stretch marks
  • Cellulite
  • Skin discoloration
  • Superficial fat deposits

Morpheus8 is a leading body contouring system that can help you achieve the desired results without resorting to invasive procedures.

Morpheus8 Body

Client Testimonials

Real-world feedback from satisfied clients who've undergone Morpheus8 face treatment.

I came to Lauren for a Hydrafacial and it was an amazing experience. She was very friendly and had tons of knowledge about the services she provides.

I came in for a Hydrafacial with Lauren and she recommended IPL to help with my rosacea. I’ve done 1 treatment and already notice a huge difference!

I have had Morpheus 8 and Luemcca done by Dr.zarrini. I had 3 treatments done. My face and neck looks younger and wrinkles are less noticeable.

I had three treatments and my age spots drastically reduced in appearance, going back for one more treatment. Dr.Zarrini prices are so reasonable:

BWA Aesthetics is passionate about providing innovative body treatments to help you achieve the desired contouring results. One of the most effective treatment options we offer is Morpheus8.

Combining microneedling technology with radiofrequency (RF) energy, Morpheus8 stimulates your body’s natural healing process, resulting in firmer, smoother, healthier skin.

Your Morpheus8 Journey at BWA Aesthetics

Ready to try Morpheus8? We can guide you through the process.

We always schedule a consultation before any of our services to ensure that our clients will benefit from their chosen treatment. During this meeting, we’ll ask about your medical history and any medications or supplements you’re currently taking.

The most crucial step of our personalized consultation process is learning your goals so we can plan the right treatment. This knowledge will let us target the exact areas of your body you’d like to improve.


On the day of your appointment, we’ll apply topical anesthesia to ensure you’re comfortable. Once the anesthesia takes effect, we’ll use the Morpheus8 device to go over the treatment site for a few seconds at a time. We use a light stamping motion for this step.

As all of this happens, the needles emit RF energy that heats the deeper layers of your skin without causing damage to surrounding tissues.

During the Treatment:

Although there’s no real downtime with Morpheus8, we recommend treating your skin with care in the hours following the procedure. Use only lukewarm water to wash, and stay away from anything abrasive that might irritate your skin. You’ll also want to avoid applying makeup for at least 24 hours.

Because your skin will be extra sensitive, it’s best to avoid sun exposure for a few days and always wear sunscreen afterward. For best results, avoid alcohol and blood-thinning medications as well.

It can take a few days to start seeing results, but remember that most people require at least three sessions to notice a dramatic effect.


Benefits of Morpheus8 Face Treatment

Learn more about why Morpheus8 Body treatment can be an option to consider.

Skin Tightening for a Contoured Appearance

Morpheus8 not only stimulates your body to start healing the tiny wounds in the treatment area but also uses RF energy to reach into the exact layers of your skin where collagen and elastin are produced.

By jump-starting the production of these proteins, the skin that heals will be tighter, providing a more contoured appearance.

Reduction of Stretch Marks, Scars, and Cellulite

Morpheus8 helps create new, healthy skin, reducing the appearance of stretch marks, scars, and cellulite. It does this by breaking down the bands of collagen that produce scars and cellulite, resulting in clear skin that’s smooth to the touch.

Improvement of Skin Texture and Elasticity

When you turn to Morpheus8, you’re letting RF energy penetrate deep into skin layers to prompt healing from the inside out. This aids in reducing uneven skin textures while developing firm yet flexible new skin.

Non-Surgical Solution for Targeted Fat Areas

The thermal energy used in the Morpheus8 treatment can melt pockets of fat near the skin’s surface, allowing your body to eliminate the liquified fat cells via the lymphatic system.

Enhanced Collagen Production for Rejuvenated Skin Your body makes collagen naturally, but production slows significantly as you age, often leading to sagging skin and other issues. Morpheus8 stimulates the production of fresh collagen.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the Morpheus8 procedure.

How Does Morpheus8 for the Body Differ From Face Treatments?

Morpheus8 for the face is specially designed to treat the delicate areas around your eyes and other areas, while Morpheus8 for the body is intended to treat issues like wrinkles, stretch marks, and cellulite.

What Areas of the Body Can Be Treated?

With Morpheus8 for the body, you can get treatment for practically your entire body, including areas like:

i. Neck
ii. Arms
iii. Chest
iv. Legs
v. Buttocks
vi. Abdomen

Any area where you see skin laxity issues, texture concerns, cellulite, or anything that impacts how your skin looks and feels can be an appropriate treatment site.

How Many Sessions Are Typically Required?

We suggest having three to five sessions performed with at least three weeks between them to give your skin time to heal.

Is There Any Downtime Post-Treatment?

You’ll need to take it easy for a few days after treatment. Avoid harsh chemicals or skin care products, and stay out of the sun as much as possible. If you do go outside, wear sunscreen.
We also recommend avoiding blood-thinning medications, supplements while you heal, smoking products, and alcohol.

Most people can return to their normal activities within five days with proper care and recovery.

Why Choose Morpheus8 at BWA Aesthetics?

If you’re ready to start your body contouring journey, we’re here to help. BWA Aesthetics boasts the following distinctions:

Unmatched Expertise

Advanced Equipment

Personalized Approach

A Record of Excellence

Why Choose Lumecca IPL

Embark on Your Body Transformation

Getting the body you want sometimes requires a bit of help, but that doesn’t mean you have to turn to invasive services. At BWA Aesthetics, we’re dedicated to providing body contouring services you can count on without stressing about long recovery times or possible surgical complications.

If you’re considering Morpheus8, we can help you decide whether it’s the right choice for you. Contact us today via phone, email, or our online reservation system.

Why wait another day? Book your Morpheus8 appointment with BWA Aesthetics right now to get started.

(866) 219-8054
9100 Wilshire Blvd Suite 363 W, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

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