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Skin Discoloration and its Treatments

skin discoloration blog post

What is skin discoloration?

Illnesses, sun damage, birthmarks, pigmentation disorders, rashes, injury, and inflammatory problems can cause skin discoloration. Some of these discolorations are harmless, while other ones might need medical attention.

Melanin is a natural pigment that gives color to your skin, hair, and eyes. Any disbalance in melanin production makes discolored skin patches on your body. Having more melanin darkens the skin, while less of it makes it lighter. Discolored patches can have a totally different color, such as gray, red or blue too.


What causes discolored skin patches?

The common causes of skin discoloration include:

  • Birthmarks

Birthmarks are patches of discoloration that can develop at, or after birth. Some birthmarks are permanent, and some fade over time. Among the most common birthmarks are:

    • Moles: Harmless brown or black spots. If a mole changes in shape, size, or texture, you have to visit a dermatologist.
    • Mongolian blue spots: Bluish patches that may be present on the back and buttocks at birth. Mongolian spots fade over time.
    • Port-wine stains: Flat pink or red patches caused by swollen blood vessels under the skin.
    • Strawberry nevus or hemangioma: These red patches are a common type of vascular birthmark that appear on the face, chest and back, and usually go away by the age of 10.
    • Salmon patches or nevus simplex: These flat patches are pink or red, and appear on the neck or forehead of babies.


  • Sunburns

Sunburns and other types of burns damage the skin, and in many instances cause discolored skin patches.


  • Skin infections

Infections cause discolored patches of skin on different parts of your body. Infected cuts and scrapes can also change the texture and color of the skin.


  • Skin rashes

Some types of skin rashes like rosacea, psoriasis, contact dermatitis, and eczema can cause patches of discolored skin.


  • Skin cancers

Skin cancer occurs when the skin cells are damaged. This damage can in turn cause skin discoloration.


  • Hormonal changes and allergies

Hormonal changes can lead to skin discoloration on the face. Allergic reactions too may result in skin discoloration, and appear as raised patches, bumps or rashes.


  • Autoimmune diseases

Some autoimmune diseases, such as lupus erythematosus, will cause changes in skin color.



How is skin pigmentation diagnosed?

If you see any changes in the color of your skin or in the size or appearance of any moles on your body, you have to visit a doctor and undergo some physical examinations such as:

  • blood tests
  • Wood’s lamp examination
  • skin biopsy


Skin discoloration treatments

Based on the underlying cause, your doctor will determine which treatment is best for you. Skin discoloration and sun damage can be reversed with medication, home remedies, or a combination of different treatments, some of which could include:

  • Laser therapy: Used to lighten dark areas of skin by intense pulsed light devices and Q-switching lasers.
  • Topical creams: Topical hydroquinone can treat dark spots on the skin.
  • Chemical peels: This method can be used to remove discolored layers of the skin.


lumecca handle

How to get clear skin and repair sun damage with Lumecca

Lumecca is a powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) treatment that can help reduce and remove discolored skin patches and sun damage. This treatment constricts the blood vessels that cause vascular lesions; blood is then rerouted to healthier vessels, resulting in noticeable improvements in the complexion and clarity of the skin.

The positive results of Lumecca appear after one to three sessions. This procedure can help treat:

  • Age spots (red/brown pigmentations)
  • Vascular lesions such as facial telangiectasias (spider veins) and poikiloderma
  •  Rosacea (redness)
  •  Freckles
  •  Sun damage

You can use Lumecca on all areas of the body, especially those damaged by the sun such as:

  • Arms
  • Face
  • Neck
  • Décolletage
  • Legs
  • Hands

After the first session of Lumecca treatment, sun damage and skin discoloration will fade and disappear, and your skin will look younger and much more rejuvenated. For best results, multiple photofacial sessions are required.

If you want to learn more about how Lumecca can help diminish sun damage and solve skin pigmentation problems, please contact us and arrange a consultation with our professional team.